The conference Banach Spaces and Operator Theory with Applications marks the 60th anniversary of Professor Mieczysław Mastyło. The aim of the meeting is to gather together specialists interested in mathematical analysis. Although the conference is open for contributions from all branches of functional analysis, it is dedicated principally to those in which Professor Mieczysław Mastyło is an active researcher:
- interpolation of operators on Banach spaces
- geometry and local theory of Banach spaces
- multilinear maps and polynomials
- geometric and topological properties of Banach lattices of measurable functions
- factorization of operators on Banach function spaces.
In general, we welcome contributions on topics Professor Mieczysław Mastyło has been interested in throughout his scientific career.
Regular conference talks will start on Tuesday, July 4th 2017. The scientific core of the conference consists of four main one-hour-long lectures, half-hour talks by invited speakers, and contributed talks. Prospective participants are invited to submit proposed subjects of their expositions. If need be, the organizers will arrange parallel sessions. You can see the constantly updated list of speakers here.. The conference will close on Friday, July 7th 2017, around noon.
introductory courses
On Monday, July 3rd 2017, several introductory courses will be offered. The aim of the courses will be to introduce younger participants (graduates, PhD students and junior researches) into current topics in functional analysis, and help them participate fruitfully in the ensuing conference. The details will be given later.
conference venue
The conference will be held in Poznań at the faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
conference fee
All details, including the amount of the conference fee and the deadlines, will be published on this website later on.